If you are a member owning a licensed stallion and wish to advertise, you may advertise your stallion on the Stallion Directory on the website for free.
To advertise with us your stallion must be licensed with the ApHC UK or registered in America with the ApHC.
It is compulsory to have a negative test for PSSM1 and the Grey gene, (greying gene has a detrimental effect in respect of Appaloosa characteristics and coat patterns which can fade over a period of time if the greying gene is present.)
We also recommend 6 panel testing with Animal Genetics in Cornwall, this includes the tests for all the major genetic diseases plus the LP gene. Animal Genetics will also DNA type for parentage and test for colour which is all really important for breeding stallions. ApHCUK members will get a discounted test.
The ApHC UK does not accept responsibility for any licensed ApHC UK stallion in any respect, including loss or damage. All mare owner’s should do their own research into stallions and stud owners/breeders including, but not limited to, details of any hereditary diseases such as HERDA, HYPP and PSSM ( which can affect all breeds) before committing to purchase or sign any agreement to use a stallion for breeding.
Please contact the Registrar for info: Auriol Thorne – registrations@aphcuk.org
Please note: Every effort is made to ensure that the information and advice contained on this website is correct and appropriate. However, no liability or responsibility can be taken by the ApHCUK Ltd, the directors or anyone connected with ApHCUK LTD for any loss or damage arising from any opinions, omissions or inclusions in the advert.
Submit Your Stallion
If you wish to advertise your stallion in the APHC UK Stallion Directory, please fill out the form below with the relevant information.
If you have additional images, or image files that exceed the allowed size, please send them to: socialapp@aphcuk.org